Duarte/Downey Real Estate Agency
Duarte/Downey Real Estate AgencyPhone: (508) 349-7588
Email: [email protected]

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What Clients Are Saying

"The people at DDRE have helped us in many ways throughout our long relationship.  Systematic in finding tenants each summer, you supported us as landlords in ways that were both professional and personal.  When it came to selling our home, there was no choice; we knew you would get the job done with care and you did.
Many thanks to everyone in your office.  And best wishes to one and all"

Jim & Judy Klein

"Hi Steven:

We were glad to get the good news you closing on my house today.  We were prepared for a long process of selling our house in Truro.  To our surprise it all happened so fast and you made it so easy for us.  Even though we have spent a lot of time in our lives in the US, selling a house in a foreign country is always a difficult thing.

We are so glad that we did choose you to take care of the selling process.  From the first time we met at our house last fall, you had always time to answer our questions and explain everything to us.  You are a true professional and we will recommend you to all our friends in Cape.  It is nice that the house we loved so much has new family enjoying it.  Truro and all its people will always have a special place in our hearts.

Wishing you all the best in the future.

Kimmo & Tuija